Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Penny Arcade's Fruit Fucker comics pack for the PSP
I picked up a new memory stick for my PSP over the weekend and I’ve been loading it with goodies. I’ve had a few requests for some special PSP packs with PA comics formatted for the PSP screen. I had some time today and so I whipped up a little Fruit Fucker pack. You can download it right here. Essentially it’s all the Fruit Fucker comics and I’ve taken the time to re-size them so they fit perfectly on the PSP screen. Check it out and let me know if this is cool. In the future we could release other packs like my favorite strips or Tycho’s or maybe a sort of readers top fifty or one hundred or whatever. Send me your thoughts.[From Penny-Arcade]
-Gabe out :o:

You can get the 600 kb file from there, but it requires registration. So I've hosted the file for you here. There are nine comics in the zip file.