The Supreme comic book series was started in 1992 by Rob Liefeld. One of Image Comics' founding members, Rob created many titles for the publisher, including this, his own version of Superman. The title continued under various writers and artists (all under the Liefled art influence) until issue 41. British comic book writer Alan Moore took over the title from then onwards, and reintroduced the characters as if starting the series from fresh. The series under Moore's direction featured 'flashback' chapters: introducing the rich and varied history of the character that Alan Moore had created for Supreme. The series gained critical and some sales success: it continued with the same team after Liefeld moved all of his titles to his own publishing house... twice! Eventually, in 1998, the comic market suffered a slowdown, and Liefeld as a publisher had run out of finances. All of the titles were suspended, and despite a short lived revival a year later the character's last adventures appeared in 2000.
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Download links to Alan Moore's Supreme:
(total 23 comics 261 MB)
Alan Moore _Supreme_01-04.rar 42 MB
Alan Moore _Supreme_05-06.rar 24 MB
Alan Moore _Supreme_41-44.rar 43 MB
Alan Moore _Supreme_45-48.rar 41 MB

Alan Moore _Supreme_49-51.rar 37 MB
Alan Moore _Supreme_52-53.rar 41 MB
Alan Moore _Supreme_54-56.rar 38 MB

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